Case Study – Ash Sangs with Bewley Homes
SANG Land in Ash Surrey
Case Study
Ash Sangs with Bewley Homes
Andy worked with Bewley Homes in creating a 25-hectare Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace at Ash in Guildford to offset a development for over 500 houses. The land was purchased adjacent to the development site and planning permission was gained for a change of use to SANG with a 2.3-kilometre circular route for dog walkers and members of the public to enjoy. As the site was substantially larger than the requirement for the initial development the site was able to provide offset mitigation for a number of other developments in the area once laid out the site was transferred into the ownership of the Land Restoration Trust which has been responsible for its further development and the long term management aims.
“Bewley Homes created a 25 hectare Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace at Ash in Guildford to offset a development for over 500 houses.”